Two students writing poetry on clipboards
Students in classroom discussing the books they are reading
Children eating lunch on the sidewalk and playing on the playground.
Illustration of a diverse group of people
Thomas Jefferson Elementary exterior and George Mason gym floor
Virtual Prize Patrol All- Staff Zoom
School Bus sign and lights
Falls Church City Public Schools logo
Road leading off into the distance
Our History Matters: Black History Month
FCCPS Alert for Snow
GMHS Auction is Open
Falls Church School Board Renaming Committee
GMHS Auction Promo
Names on the exterior of Thomas Jefferson and George Mason Schools
FCCPS COVID-19 Response Update
FCCPS Dials Back To All-Virtual for the Coming Week
Thanksgiving Week Changes - Class to be All-Virtual next week.
Screen capture of new video:  Navigating Schoology and Customizing Notifications
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