Oak Street Bridge Detour Route

Oak Street Tiger Trails 

Please see the Oak Street Tiger Trails page for complete information about the work starting on the Oak Street Bridge.  Work and detours will begin on February 13 and last now through late October 2023.


  • During drop-off and arrival parents who usually come down Timber Lane and turn right onto Oak Street to go up to Broad St. will be the most affected. They may want to start dropping their child at the crosswalk where there is a crossing guard (Timber & Parker).
  • Work will take until October 2023
  • There will always be a Tiger Trail route for pedestrians and bikes to safely cross the bridge on S. Oak the whole time.
  • The road will be completely blocked at the bridge, which may affect parents and staff who are driving. 

From the Focus on Falls Church Newsletter:

Replacement of the Oak Street Bridge is anticipated to begin Monday, February 13.

Please note that S. Oak Street from S. Lee Street to just north of Timber Lane will be closed starting February 13 through late October. Learn more from VDOT.

For more information on the Oak Street Bridge Project, visit: fallschurchva.gov/OakStreetBridge.